Testing, Forensics, & Litigation Support



We aren't going to put you to sleep with a bunch of ASTM numbers.  Let's just say this, we provide realistic, practical testing of the building envelope in the field.  We understand how the assemblies go together and will test in manner necessary to satisfy us that your project performs to project specifications.


Building Envelope Forensics

When it comes to problems with building envelopes, the solution is usually neither simple nor straightforward. You may think a small pool of water in your office is just the result of a little leak in need of repair, but most of the time the origin is multi-faceted.  It most often takes an experienced professional to find the problem when a building envelope fails. In fact, Building Envelope Forensics requires construction experience, combined with building science knowledge, and expert investigative work, to get to the bottom of the issue.


Litigation Support

Sadly, not every project goes smoothly.  When we are asked to provide expert opinion, we call the situation as we see it.  Our role as a litigation consultant or expert witness it to assist counsel in understanding and connecting the relevant facts and circumstances involved in the construction process, specifically those relevant to the building envelope.