Commercial Roofing Consulting


Visual Construction Observations

Based on the criteria from Factory Mutual Data Sheet FM1-52.  Basically, we monitor but do not direct the installation of the roof assembly.  

With experience in virtually every commercial roof system, or Registered Roof Observers help provide surety that your roof is installed in a warrantable fashion.


Life-Cycle Management

You want your roof to last longer than the warranty.  That requires targeted preventative maintenance and regular management.  We don't install or repair roofs, our interest is in maximizing the life of your roof and ensuring a fully exercisable manufacturer warranty.

Life-Cycle  Management supplies you with accurate information, allowing you to make confident, prioritized performance based decisions.  This provides you the opportunity to maximize the return on your roofing investment.



When it comes to problems with building envelopes, the solution is usually neither simple nor straightforward. You may think a small pool of water in your office is just the result of a little leak in need of repair, but most of the time the origin is multi-faceted.  It most often takes an experienced professional to find the problem when a building envelope fails. In fact, Building Envelope Forensics requires construction experience, combined with building science knowledge, and expert investigative work, to get to the bottom of the issue.